Monday, November 26, 2007

We Have Footings!

This is a milestone.

We are very very excited!

I am sorry I don't have picutres for you at this posting (I know how visual you all are!)

Don't worry, they will come soon.

Anyway, all we have to do now is back fill the footings & get the foundation poured, which should happen within a week.

So, if you need a reason to toast, (which seems kind of silly at this time of year, tee hee hee...) you may toast, "The pouring of the footings"

God bless & stay tuned!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

A Fraction Of The View ?!

This picture was taken standing up on the hill a bit behind where the house will stand.
You are looking down the driveway.
A little to the right & down (outside of the camera view) is where the foundation will be dug.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Carol Digs Away At The House Site!

Another slightly rainy day, but they just keep on working.
The foundation will be in before you know it :-)

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Got Rip Rap?

Here they are putting the rip rap all up the side of the hill.
The road is growing.

Andy Brings The Pipes Up The Hill One At A Time

He is amazing.
Look at him go!

The Pipes Arrive For The Crossings

What's a crossing? Well, we have so much water on the mountain that we have to provide pathways for it to travel underneath the road so that it won't cross over, wash it out & disturb wetlands. These crossings need to be placed in the places where the water is already flowing, & where it will flow after a rain & in the spring. Major production ......

The First Day Of Road Construction

The trucks arrived, put in the first storm drain, and started carving out the road. It rained, but we were sooooo happy!

Thursday, September 27, 2007

This picture was taken in June

Andy just had to start cutting down trees!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

From the driveway looking toward the road

All we have done here (or, I should say Andy ) is put up some silt fence.

Sunday, September 23, 2007


As you can see, pictures are starting to emerge!

Check back often, as now I will become a picture fiend. Probably posting them weekly!

Thank you all for your comments, info & support. I love hearing from all of you.

Now, as I sit at the keyboard, I get a little homesick for the friends & family that are so far away. Some are in Florida & Texas, some in Norway, some in Germany .......

One of the things that I miss about Germany is the unbelievable flowers. They are absolutely everywhere! My mothers cousin, Inge, who just passed away, always made sure that the resting places of my grandparents & my mother, were adorned with lovely flowers. It was comforting to know that she was "on the job". Sigh, I will miss her.

Anyway, I would like to send out a heartfelt appreciation to all the gardeners out there who's little pieces of heaven I drive by almost daily.

Thank you for planting. Thank you for tending. Thank you for making the world a little lovelier.

Thank you for making me smile. Thank you for, in a way, helping me feel closer to my family.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

The Beginning

Well kids, we did it!

We finally sold the house in Easton, moved to Washington Depot, got our permit, and are now building the road that goes to the driveway that goes to the house on the mountain!

Our plan is to create a working organic farm.

Some of you already know that "Opgård" translates into "small farm on the hill"

How cool is that!?

Anyway, pictures will be coming as soon as I can figure that out.

While I am happily doing Yoga again, I am no longer teaching. Honestly, I didn't think I'd ever be able to do as much as I can ever again. My Doc says I am doing so well that he doesn't want to see me for two years, Hooray!
Keep in touch, & when we're up and running, come visit!