Sunday, September 23, 2007


As you can see, pictures are starting to emerge!

Check back often, as now I will become a picture fiend. Probably posting them weekly!

Thank you all for your comments, info & support. I love hearing from all of you.

Now, as I sit at the keyboard, I get a little homesick for the friends & family that are so far away. Some are in Florida & Texas, some in Norway, some in Germany .......

One of the things that I miss about Germany is the unbelievable flowers. They are absolutely everywhere! My mothers cousin, Inge, who just passed away, always made sure that the resting places of my grandparents & my mother, were adorned with lovely flowers. It was comforting to know that she was "on the job". Sigh, I will miss her.

Anyway, I would like to send out a heartfelt appreciation to all the gardeners out there who's little pieces of heaven I drive by almost daily.

Thank you for planting. Thank you for tending. Thank you for making the world a little lovelier.

Thank you for making me smile. Thank you for, in a way, helping me feel closer to my family.

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