Tuesday, September 11, 2007

The Beginning

Well kids, we did it!

We finally sold the house in Easton, moved to Washington Depot, got our permit, and are now building the road that goes to the driveway that goes to the house on the mountain!

Our plan is to create a working organic farm.

Some of you already know that "Opgård" translates into "small farm on the hill"

How cool is that!?

Anyway, pictures will be coming as soon as I can figure that out.

While I am happily doing Yoga again, I am no longer teaching. Honestly, I didn't think I'd ever be able to do as much as I can ever again. My Doc says I am doing so well that he doesn't want to see me for two years, Hooray!
Keep in touch, & when we're up and running, come visit!


Joanne Marcinek said...

Hi Nancy!

Great work! If you want a quick tutorial on how to add pics to the blog, let me know. We'd love to see pictures of your progress... especially as fall approaches and the mountain turns golden.

Love ya!

Helge Opgård said...

Hi Nancy,
Congratulations with the permit :-) We will be back to visit your dream home. Say hello to Andy and the dogs.

Hedda said...

Just to let everyone know: I've been there, I've seen the land, it's awesome!!!